
Meet Our Team

Learn about the current Quetzaltrekkers volunteers



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Hey! I’m Bella from the United States and ever since finishing university I’ve been backpacking through Central America. As a passionate advocate for social change, I have a deep curiosity about societal structures, inequalities, and dynamics. Thus, landing in Guatemala and working with QT and EDELAC has been a dream come true. Whenever I’m not hiking, I’m dancing in the office, listening to 90’s rap, or making bad jokes. 


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Hi! I’m Ben from the United States. Nearly a year ago I graduated from university back home in Colorado with a degree in Latin American studies and international relations. After spending some months on the road, I felt the need for a community again and to participate in something worthwhile. Quetzaltrekkers fulfills everything I am in search of right now, including a love for hiking, fascinating interactions with people from all origins, an incredible community all oriented towards the same goals, and participating in an inspiring organization. I look forward to seeing you on the trails!

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Hola, I’m Karla from Germany and I’m currently on a gap year before starting university. Finding Quetzaltrekkers has been the best thing that has happened to me during my travels so far. The Guatemalan highlands are breathtaking and guiding for QT is so much more than just a hike! (Check out our mission!) Looking forward to hike the volcanic highlands with you 🙂
Hello! My name is Taylor and I am a guide from Portland, OR in the United States. My intense love for backpacking and the outdoors drew me to exploring the Guatemala highlands with Quetzaltrekkers. Aside from trekking I am a car aficionado and camera lover. Spending time in the wilderness while supporting an amazing non-profit is a dream – hope to see you on the trail!

Hi! I’m Georgia from Australia. I love the outdoors, hiking, meeting awesome people and volunteering for social justice causes while travelling the world.
At Quetzaltrekkers, I love that I can do all the things I enjoy while working with other super passionate volunteers, guiding people through the stunning Guatemalan highlands AND help provide kids with better opportunities for their future. I’m looking forward to hiking with you!


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Hey, I’m Sam from the UK! As soon as I read about the amazing project and community that is Quetzaltrekkers, I knew that if I were to spend time anywhere this year, it would be here. When you trek with QT, it is more than just a hike. EDELAC is such an amazing organization so to be able to help out by doing something I love is so rewarding. I hope that I can share my passion for EDELAC, hiking and the complex and deeply important history of Guatemala and Central America with you on one of our amazing treks. I also love talking poetry, food and films… Looking forward to seeing you out there!


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Hey I’m Ananda from the UK, pleased to meet you! I first hiked with QT as a client and loved it so much I had to return! Some of my passions include music, poetry and alternative medicine. It feels great to be exploring and learning about our natural environment with amazing people every day, and all for an amazing cause!
Looking forward to hiking with you..

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Hi, I’m Becky from the UK! I feel very lucky to be spending my days hiking the Guatemalan highlands, supporting the Quetzaltrekkers mission and getting to know amazing people from around the world. From camping at the summit of a volcano to watching the sun rise over Lake Atitlan, Quetzaltrekkers has brought me so many special experiences and I can’t wait to share them with you too!

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Hi! My name is Maria and I’m from Barcelona (Catalonia). I love hiking (obviously) and any outdoor activity that implies being in nature. For the past 3 years I’ve been working as an archaeologist, so I’m interested in history and the communities of the past as well as social anthropology and the present communities. Can’t wait to meet you and hear your stories😊


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Hi, I’m Alba, I’m from Barcelona. I’m a super active and motivated person. I love to meet up with my friends and the people I love. Sometimes I’ll dance until I’m exhausted.


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Frank (François) is back guiding for just two months getting Tajumulco running again and helping out wherever he can. He is an old guide only because he was here guiding in 2011. Since his arrival, Frank has managed to get the Woopahs back into the Monday meetings, and get home made jam back on the treks. Frank is humble and won’t mention the other things he has done; he just wants to get shit done. He believes that a proper trail mix should have some kind of natural dehydrated fruit to it, hence raisins. Frank is from Montréal, and loves to share funny travel stories. Au plaisir!

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Hola a todos, my name is Moa and I’m from Sweden! 
For the last couple of years I’ve had the dream of working as a guide in Central America and when I learnt about Quetzaltrekkers I instantly felt that THIS is what I should be doing! Because wow, what an organization, what a country and what a life it is being a guide here! 
I’m very grateful that I get to live my dream at the same time as helping give Guatemalan kids a chance to live their dreams! Come and hike with me, it’ll be fun!!

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Hola! I’m Kim, a Dutchie who currently finds herself “stuck” in the Guatemalan highlands. In my quest of finding some mountains to compensate for the few hills my country has to offer I stumbled upon Quetzaltrekkers.
Being able to support the children of EDELAC while doing what I love has been the most amazing experience and adventure. From hiking through local villages and communities to finding a volcano around every corner, there is always a story to be told. Hope to see you on the trail!



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Hi, my name is Yara and I’m from the Netherlands. After being a guide in 2022 I joined the team as a coordinator. Besides running the day-to-day at our office I like the longterm, playful balance between continuity and change that comes with the job. For me, the best part of Quetzaltrekkers is the amazing people I get to work with on a daily basis who are all supporting the kids and the social projects of EDELAC. 

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Hola, I’m Bryan. I love my work as a coordinator for Quetzaltrekkers here in Xela, and have spent well over a year now in this amazing place. I grew up in Oregon in the USA, but I am so grateful to live and work here in the stunning volcanic highlands, and I really value this organization’s incredible mission. All the relationships I’ve gotten to build here are so important to me, and I can’t imagine a better place to put my background in outdoor education into practice for such a unique nonprofit.